Assistive Technology in Action – Meet Elle

Assistive Technology in Action – Meet Elle

The Family Center on Technology and Disability (FCTD) and PACER Center are pleased to announce the release of our new assistive technology awareness series, AT in Action. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), this fully-captioned video series is designed to strengthen awareness of AT devices that help individuals with disabilities participate fully in school, at home, and in the community. In this second video, you’ll meet Elle O’Gorman, a young woman with cerebral palsy who, with the help of AT, is able to communicate with family, friends, and teachers. We invite you to view and share this video with your colleagues and the families you serve.

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  1. Supergirl, much love, and support.

  2. This is amazing! Way to go Elle

  3. Wow! I like how communication devices can be stylish! I also like the music in this vid!! 🙂

  4. That is correct. The little dot is a reflective sticker which the infrared camera on top of the Dynavox tracks. When she moves her head it tracks the movement and moves the cursor on the screen. When she holds her head in one spot for a few seconds it clicks for her.

  5. That’s cool:-) It sounds like the dynavox eye max except with her forehead instead of her eyes

  6. This device is an excellent tool for children with any speech impediment. GO Elle !

  7. @naomipuzzlepeace8013 December 30, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    I would like to point out that only the prox tallker allows for core words (words that make up 80% of our communication. Having core and fringe words available for a child as soon as they start to use AAC is incredibly important. Communication involves not only naming and requesting but describing, questioning, protesting or refusing, telling feelings and talking about anything they want. Modeling is important and the only prerequisite for a robust communication system (one with core and fringe words) is breathing. That is all we expect of babies when we start from the moment they are born to show them (model) language…we don’t eliminate words and we don’t expect responses we simply show them how to communicate. Thank you

  8. You and your mum is amazing.

  9. Eerynice

  10. Rerynice

  11. @JamesWilliams-ri2ui December 30, 2024 at 5:32 pm


  12. You are just awesome

  13. Cerebral palsy can be reversed naturally. Contact #herbalistevelyn to begin healing.

  14. I work with people who use communication boards/books which are so basic and falling apart. Some of them would really benefit from these kinds of devices, but the government and organisation won’t give them any funding if they think it’ll be too difficult for them to use it and if it won’t be their primary method of communication. But even if someone was able to use this for an hour a day to communicate more complex thoughts and not just "water", "toilet"…

  15. Marvelous


  17. I think a Dynavox is so expensive, so this kind of accesibility is not so accessible. But I do not have certain if this kind of resource is invested by governement in other countries (what countries really consider assistive technology as something important, that is if disable people are really important for them), I really should wanna know if Elle is from public or private shcool too. But I know in Brazil public schools receive money to invest in digital table for special children, in musical instruments, books with BRAILE, futhermore our goverment destine public money to engage students from universities to work (during one half period of time) as assistant teachers in public schools, and all this is so important to our development! I am so grate for all this things, our laws and how the education can change the life of people in society.

  18. disability is not curse in that country which country offers work opportunities to person with disabilities.There should be the presentation of disabled in UN to raise their voice.May I have the email address of this company.
    Thank you.

  19. I hope they eventually added a function to add words on your own, by typing individual letters. Otherwise it would be a very totalitarian type of vocabulary selection. FREE the SPEECH!!! 🙂

  20. Wow! This is the reason why I want to transfer my cognitive studies credits to pursue a master of science in assistive technology studies and human services at SoCal State University, Northridge. To make a difference in the quality of life of kids with disabilities and their families.

  21. I have an I pad

  22. sjcgvfgfvvgbgjgrvdnfhgkugihibibtkbgjbnn
    Mom! ohh hgk

  23. this is really cool! Is the little dot on her forehead a sensor that controls the cursor?

  24. amanda jean bieber CP

  25. I have a daughter who uses a dynavox too. I think they should be friends. They are awesome kids

  26. @khonkhosilelihle7414 December 30, 2024 at 5:51 pm

    Wow this is so cool.

  27. Hi! Thank you for your informative video! I would like to know if Elle or clients in similar situations also use an Occupational Therapist, especially as part of her IEP team?

  28. Serynice

  29. Thing I dont like or get is why do they make these devices for those disabled n then wanna charge it at rediculous prices if it was indeed made for someone disabled who wont all the time be able to pay for expensive items im glad her parents were able to afford it and glad it helps her

  30. Hi your so cool

  31. Glad that she still has fine eyes and neck control so it is less painful to control the input.

  32. @ВарвараСиверцева December 30, 2024 at 5:56 pm

    @pacercenter are there any Russian analogues?

  33. Wow! Cool

  34. @ilovemyservicedog8862 December 30, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    When did this IEP stuff come into play for disabled students? I graduated in 1998 when I went to school I was almost legally blind I had no books and no one in my school was blind. I finally was able to get one book in my third year the rest of the time my teachers would hand in large pages from the standard textbooks. I went to take computer class but since I could not see the computer I was taken out of the class and I spent my time stabling papers for the coach. I bought my own paper and markers my mother even asked if she could buy the books for me to use in school they said no,
    I was absolutely heartbroken that I could not participate in school because I could not see Are they discovered on my own technology but I have not had real training in it I’m considered a multi disabled student because I’m not only legally blind now but I’m learning disabled and therefore they considered me not eligible because of that started now apparently to learn.

    My friend who has severe learning disabilities was in a similar situation she was supposed to be read to to do her test they did nothing it was really sad. Would’ve been nice to be in school and had assistive technology and books that we could’ve read

    By total accident I found out that I was able to type using a braille keyboard instead of a standard Corey keyboard it wasn’t that I was stupid it was just the fact that my brain is wired differently. Girl is very very lucky that she has help it’s very sad that none of this was available for us.

  35. Hi Elle please tell me how I can get in touch with dynavox to assess its suitability for my godson.

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